A Song for A Wood Pigeon / Chiffchaff / Carrion Crow

A one-off performance, commissioned by Timber Festival based at Feanedock Wood in Leicestershire. Working in collaboration with Indian classical musicians Roopa Panesar (sitar) and Rishii Chowdhury (tabla) to produce three new sound tracks in response to field recordings gathered at dawn at the festival site. The three birds that were singing loudest and led the dawn chorus were the Wood Pigeon, Chiffchaff and Carrion Crow. The performance took place on the Eyrie stage where the audience were offered a special limited-edition flag to wave during the show on Sunday 7 July 2019.

Watch the video (below)

Listen to A Song For A: Wood Pigeon / Chiffchaff / Carrion Crow

Don’t worry If you didn’t get to see and hear it live, you can listen back here via Soundcloud. I find you can hear more detail if you listen through headphones.


“This was one of my Timber highlights. Only thing wrong with it was that it wasn't long enough!! Just fabulous. Thanks to all for creating something so special.”

— Audience member


Lockdown Birds


Bird Skins